Birding Challenge 2011: Announcement
Did you know that the majority of the York County Audubon financial outreach is supported by our Birding Challenge Fund Raiser. We support great relationships with The Center for Wildlife, The Puffin Project, the Kennebunkport Conservation Trust, and other York County conservation organizations.
Because of these relationships we can offer exciting community based programs like our “Winter Wildlife Day,” our Piping Plover Educational Program, and we can enjoy a beautiful spot for our Annual Dinner.
The 2011 Birding Challenge will happen on the 13th & 14th of May. We search for birds from 5:00pm on May 13th and complete our 24 hour effort in the auditorium of Laudholm Farm at the Wells Reserve doing a compilation and eating pizza.
You can join us! Bird with us! Raise funds and contribute to our support of the York County Conservation effort. Call Pat Moynahan for additional information (284-5487).