Bird Day Draws a Crowd
The Birding Challenge dovetailed nicely with an International Migratory Bird Day event held at the Wells Reserve on May 14. June Ficker and her bird-banding crew set up in the Laudholm barn, demonstrating their data-gathering procedures for curious onlookers. Their several captures included eastern wood-pewee and northern waterthrush. At the other end of the barn, a dozen kids put together free nest boxes while young brothers and sisters worked on cute bird crafts.
Outside, several people went on a bird walk that netted a nice list of warblers in addition to a white-eyed vireo and dozens of other species. Throughout the morning, an oversize checklist showed visitors what birds had been seen that day at the Wells Reserve and, thanks to call-ins from Birding Challenge teams, what had been found throughout York County.
The Center for Wildlife arrived just after noon to introduce families to hawk and owl “ambassadors,” non-releasable raptors cared for at the Cape Neddick rehabilitation facility.
Altogether, some 150 people attended Bird Day, one of several such events around the state supported by a grant from the Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund.