For the Sake of the Birds
As indicated by others, the health and vitality of York County Audubon depends upon the commitment of officers and board members as well as the membership at large. We need everyone if we are to achieve our mission of fostering understanding, appreciation, and conservation of the natural world through education. No one person, or even a few, can address all the opportunities for resource conservation and respond to the environmental challenges present in today’s fast paced world, much less do them justice.
Fortunately, new board members have come forward to assume leadership roles. We welcome Linda Eastman as our new treasurer who brings experience, expertise, and energy. Linda has computerized our financial records and tracked Birding Challenge contributions, assisting in their distribution. We also welcome three new board members, Bill and Monica Grabin and Scott Richardson, who bring rich experience in the fields of resource conservation, education, and collaboration among partnering organizations. We are excited about having them with us. They join the other board members who have agreed to continue serving to keep YCAS an on-going success. Thank you all.
In addition to the board members, I want to invite each and every member of YCAS to consider how you can make a contribution. How can you help to preserve and enhance the birds and the habitat they depend upon right here in this beautiful part of Maine that we call home? We are making a difference but there are many more opportunities and needs than we can respond to at our current levels of engagement. Just think of all the things that we could undertake if each and everyone of us would actively commit his or her time, talent, and treasure. I hope that you will share your ideas and visions for YCAS and I urge you to respond as generously as you can to our requests.
So thank you for entrusting me to lead us these next two years. I count on your support. I need you. We need you! Together we can make a difference for the environment and the birds we love.