Join Andrew Aldrich for waterbirds, sparrows, warblers, and more.
Scarborough Marsh & Pine Point
Join Doug Hitchcox at the Scarborough Marsh for a morning of birding. We will be walking the trails of the marsh and the Pine Point area looking for early migrating birds on their way south. Moderate walking. Meet at the Scarborough Marsh Audubon Center located on Route 9 / Pine Point Rd, Scarborough. For more info contact Doug Hitchcox at 207-671-0185.
Savage Preserve, South Berwick, for Butterflies and Dragonflies: July 14, 2012
Twelve adults and two young folks (Sue Bickford’s grandchildren) met at 9 am at the Savage Preserve in South Berwick for our bejeweled and bedazzled walk. Thank goodness for the young folks. They caught the majority of the butterflies and dragonflies for Sue to identify.
The Calico Pendants amazed us with their orange saddlebags, red faces, and wing dots. The butterflies of the day included Cloudless Sulfurs, American Copper, Monarch nectaring on milkweed, one of the Blues, Common Wood Nymph, and Silver-spotted Skipper. Birds included Chipping Sparrow, American Goldfinch, Common Yellowthroat, Downy Woodpecker, White-breasted Nuthatch, Downy Woodpecker, a family of Eastern Wood Pewees, American Crows, and the endless sound of summer, Red-eyed Vireo.
Thanks, Sue, for a most informative walk and I look forward to next year’s bejeweled and bedazzled. This is a great walk for children — they use up lots of energy.
The Harlequin, Summer 2012
Download the summer 2012 issue of The Harlequin.
Hamilton House, South Berwick: June 9, 2012
Magnificent weather encouraged 17 people to arrive at Historic New England’s Hamilton House property in South Berwick on June 9 for our second annual bird walk at this tranquil and beautiful site. Barn swallows coursed over the field as we climbed a gentle rise to get the sun at our backs, but songbirds were a bit of a challenge to see in tall grass and thick foliage.
With a mix of experienced birders and novices, we slowly but surely introduced various species to the beginners. For many, the highlight was discovering male and female bobolinks carrying food for nest-bound young. Our disturbance kept the caterpillar-carrying male cautious enough for folks to enjoy a scope view, then we moved past so the couple could feed their young. As soon as they were left behind, a Baltimore oriole appeared in front of us and sang brightly in full view.
Neighboring Vaughan Woods State Park beckoned, so we skirted its edge to pick up a few forest species including a singing winter wren. Soon after, we braved a mucky path back to the Hamilton House, where a scan of the Salmon Falls River shore revealed a spotted sandpiper.
In the tidy gardens, a hide-and-seek indigo bunting and a cooperative hummingbird capped off our 2-hour stroll, which put 34 species in the notebook. Donuts and coffee in the gardener’s cottage were a welcome treat offered by our hostess for those who had a few minutes to spare.
- Great Blue Heron
- Turkey Vulture
- Osprey
- Sharp-shinned Hawk
- Red-tailed Hawk
- Spotted Sandpiper
- Mourning Dove
- Ruby-throated Hummingbird
- Downy Woodpecker
- Eastern Phoebe
- Great Crested Flycatcher
- Red-eyed Vireo
- Warbling Vireo
- Blue Jay
- American Crow
- Tree Swallow
- Barn Swallow
- Black-capped Chickadee
- Tufted Titmouse
- White-breasted Nuthatch
- Winter Wren
- Eastern Bluebird
- American Robin
- Gray Catbird
- Yellow Warbler
- Common Yellowthroat
- Chipping Sparrow
- Song Sparrow
- Scarlet Tanager
- Rose-breasted Grosbeak
- Indigo Bunting
- Eastern Meadowlark
- Baltimore Oriole
- American Goldfinch
Intervale Marshes: May 5, 2012
On Saturday, May 5th, veteran Maine naturalist Bill Hancock led a group of birders on an exploration of the Intervale Marsh in New Gloucester, Maine. It’s an area of exceptional habitat, much of it protected by the Royal River Conservation Trust. While we were a little too early for many of the migrants, we still saw a good number of birds. Our highlights were great up close visits with a couple of Virginia Rails and a couple of Marsh Wrens. Afterwards, at Bill’s suggestion, we continued our birding up the adjacent Woodman Road, and were delighted to be greeted by the calls of several Sandhill Cranes. Our great thanks to Bill Hancock for leading the trip and introducing us to this great habitat.
Bird Walk at Wells Reserve
Enjoy birding at one of York County’s finest birding spots, the Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve at historic Laudholm Farm. Meet the leader in the parking lot at 7:30 am and plan to spend at least a couple of hours on the trails. More information at the Wells Reserve website.
Cumberland County: April 28, 2012
Seven hardy souls joined the York County Audubon Society on its Saturday April 28th walk, led by Rob Speirs, canvasing Portland’s Stroudwater Marsh, Capisic Park, Evergreen Cemetery, and River Point Conservation Area in Falmouth on a blustery day. Rob began with a description of the output from NEXRAD Radar, showing extremely light movement of birds overnight, due to a high pressure system that’s blocking migration into the northeast. The high pressure system parked overhead, chill air and stiff breeze conspired to put a damper on the birds, but the congenial and upbeat group was motivated to compile a respectable list, in spite of challenging conditions.
The morning kicked off at Stroudwater, highlighted by Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, as well as Great and Snowy Egrets in the marsh behind the office buildings.
Capisic Park saw warbler numbers down, but the group enjoyed great looks at several Northern Rough-winged Swallows, vocalizing with their insect-like calls, and watched a Sharpie take a shot at the mix of wheeling Tree and Rough-winged Swallows. This little drama was immediately followed with an over-flight by a Cooper’s Hawk, landing in a tree across the stream, before continuing it patrol of the neighborhood. The recently reported Virginia Rails were silent, but all enjoyed good looks at drake Wood Ducks and a Canada Goose on its nest.
Evergreen Cemetery, with tree tops tossed about in increasing winds, proved a challenge. The group considered overturning rocks and leaf litter in an effort to locate birds. Northern Flicker, Cedar Waxwings and three Red-tailed Hawks were best birds.
River Point Conservation Area in Falmouth, our last stop, was a fast tour of a new birding location for many participants. If few birds were to be found, participants were pleased to be able to familiarize themselves with this excellent spring migrant trap, where Blue-winged Warblers have been consistent for a number of years.
Below is the list from a challenging birding day.
- Canada Goose
- Ring-billed Gull
- Wood Duck
- American Black Duck
- Mallard
- Double-crested Cormorant
- Great Egret
- Snowy Egret
- Turkey Vulture
- Osprey
- Sharp-shinned Hawk
- Cooper’s Hawk
- Red-tailed Hawk
- Greater Yellowlegs
- Lesser Yellowlegs
- Herring Gull
- Rock Pigeon
- Mourning Dove
- Belted Kingfisher
- Northern Flicker
- Eastern Phoebe
- Blue Jay
- American Crow
- Northern Rough-winged Swallow
- Tree Swallow
- Black-capped Chickadee
- Tufted Titmouse
- White-breasted Nuthatch
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet
- Eastern Bluebird
- American Robin
- European Starling
- Cedar Waxwing
- Yellow-rumped Warbler
- Chipping Sparrow
- Song Sparrow
- Northern Cardinal
- Red-winged Blackbird
- Common Grackle
- American Goldfinch
- House Sparrow
2012 Field Trips and Meetings
The Harlequin, Spring 2012
Download Spring 2012 Harlequin newsletter (8 MB PDF)
Contents include:
- Birding Challenge
- For the Sake of the Birds: Get Involved
- A Piping Plover Experience
- What Exactly Does York County Audubon Do?
- Hog Island Scholarship Winner
- Get Current, Get Organized, Get eBird
- Winter Wildlife Day
- February Field Trip
- The Saco River in Winter
- Birding Patch: Highland Farm Preserve
- Laudholm Summer Bird Walks
- Etymology: Red-winged Blackbird
- Program Meetings and Field Trips
Field Trip: Where are the Birds
Join leader Rob Speirs on a quest to see as many birds in Cumberland County as we can. Meet at the Saco Park-n-Ride, on Industrial Park Rd, off of exit 1 on I-95 at 7:30 to car pool.
Bob Watson207-251-1135
Field Trip: Dragonflies and Butterflies
Join Sue Bickford at the Savage Preserve along Route 101 in South Berwick for a morning of winged wonders. Birds, butterflies, damselflies, butterflies, and everything else this place has to offer.
GWRLT says “We regard it as one of our most important properties both for its ecological significance and its value for public enjoyment.”
Woods, some open space, nice trail sometimes with a bit of a slope. Google map, bird list, and trail map here.
Additional Details
Julie Suchecki 510-1323The Harlequin, Winter 2012
Field Trip: Brownfield Bog
Meet at 7 am at the store at the intersection of Routes 113 and 160 in East Brownfield. Lisa Thurston will lead us in exploring this unique habitat till noon.
Information and Updates
Marie Jordan 207-799-1408Field Trip: Intervale Marshes
Join long-time Maine birder Bill Hancock in exploring the beautiful Intervale Marshes of New Gloucester in search of some of the reclusive species characteristic of southern Maine’s freshwater wetlands, such as Virginia Rail, Sora, American Bittern, and Marsh Wren. You’ll see a lot of other birds as well in this wonderful habitat designated as a state Important Bird Area. Wear waterproof boots, as the morning dew in these lowlands can be heavy. We’ll meet at 7 am in New Gloucester and spend the morning there and possibly some other nearby spots.
Meeting Place and Additional Details
Bill Grabin 207-985-3342 grabin@roadrunner.comMercury in Ecosystems of the Northeast: Songbirds as Sentinels of Contamination
Mather Auditorium, Wells Reserve at Laudholm
Presented by Evan Adams, Migratory Bird Program Director at the Biodiversity Research Institute (BRI) in Gorham
We are aware that mercury is a pollutant. But what do we know about its effects on wildlife? The BRI has recently summarized a decade’s worth of research on mercury contamination in songbirds and bats in the Northeast in a report called Hidden Risk. Evan will discuss how mercury gets into the environment and what the results mean for birds of conservation concern in the Northeast.
You’re invited: All members are welcome at the YCAS board meeting, which will be held at 5pm before the program.
Epic Journeys: Tracking the Migrations of Shorebirds in the Western Hemisphere
Mather Auditorium, Wells Reserve at Laudholm
All are welcome to the YCAS board meeting, to be held at 5pm before the monthly program.
A film by Shawn Carey and Jim Grady of Migration Productions.
Each year millions of shorebirds make an amazing round-trip journey between the Northern and Southern hemisphere. Migration Productions’ newest video, “Epic Journeys,” looks at three shorebird species—Red Knot, Piping Plover and Semipalmated Sandpiper—and the challenges these species face during each of their monumental annual treks. Interviews and footage were shot on Plymouth Beach MA, the Bay of Fundy in Canada, and Cape May NJ. Migration Productions asks burning questions: What is being done to help protect these shorebirds and their habitat? How can the public help with their conservation? Co-sponsored by the Wells Reserve, this promises to be an outstanding program.
The Joy of Birding… Why Birds Do What They Do
Mather Auditorium, Wells Reserve at Laudholm
We all remember when some aspect of bird behavior caught our attention. Naturalist, educator and registered Maine Guide Mike Shannon will illustrate ways that knowledge of basic bird behavior enhances our understanding of birds and aids us in identification. Mike is retired from Unity College where he taught ornithology. A former director of the Audubon Ecology Camp in Maine (Hog Island), he has also served as master naturalist for the Massachusetts Audubon Society. Mike has a long history of sharing his passion and enthusiasm for things natural and we know you will enjoy his presentation.
All are welcome at the YCAS board meeting, to be held at 5:30pm before the monthly program.
eBird Workshop in Cape Porpoise
Join Doug Hitchcox at the Church on the Cape, Cape Porpoise, to find out about eBird. Submit your sightings. Contribute to science.
Please call Dave Doubleday if you plan to attend. 967-4486
Field Trip to Highland Farm Preserve, York
The Highland Farm Preserve recently opened to the public after being conserved by York Land Trust. Bird the shrublands, forest edge, fields, and marsh habitats with Lyman Page.
Meet at the Highland Farm parking area on Route 91 in York.
Hosted by York Land Trust. Reservations are requested. For more information, visit the York Land Trust website.